Problem solving skills make a huge difference to your career and are highly sort after by employees as companies rely on employees to identify and solve problem. Understanding what the underlying issues are is the first step in solving a problem.
Key skills for effective problem solving
In order to be effective at problem solving it is wise to develop some key skills. According to Skills You Need – these include:
- Creativity. Problems are usually solved either intuitively or systematically. Intuition is used when no new knowledge is needed – you know enough to be able to make a quick decision and solve the problem, or you use common sense or experience to solve the problem. More complex problems or problems that you have not experienced before will require a more systematic and logical approach to solve, and for these you need to use creative thinking.
- Researching Skills. Defining and solving problems often require research. This may be a simple Google search or a more rigorous research project.
- Team Working. Many problems are best defined and solved with the input of other people.
- Emotional Intelligence. It is worth considering the impact that a problem and/or its solution has on you and other people. Emotional intelligence, the ability to recognise your emotions will help guide you to an appropriate solution.
- Risk Management. Solving a problem involves a certain amount of risk. This risk needs to be weighed up against not solving the problem.
- Decision Making. Problem solving and decision making are closely related skills. Making a decision is an important part of the problem solving process as you will often be faced with various options and alternatives.
Choosing a team building activity that has a problem solving component is a great way to enhance your teams skills in a fun and stress free environment. They are also a great way to get to know your team better and observe strengths and weaknesses. Team Building activities also have the added benefits of improving communication, and encouraging cooperation and group interaction, as well as getter to know each other better.
Problem solving Team Building activities
Our top Team Building activities that have a major problem solving component include:
- Bridging the Gap. In this challenge each team will need to construct a bridge using carefully selected building materials such as Pop Sticks, Straws, Paper etc. that will “bridge a gap”. This then allows the team remote control car to travel from one side of the room to the other on the new Super Highway.
- The Great Train Heist. Designed to develop practical leadership, communication and problem solving skills through game-based learning. This intricate simulation will take your team into the heart of Queensland’s real life unsolved mystery – the great Cloncurry Train Heist of 1938. Working in teams with evidence taken from the scene, participants will be competing against the clock (and each other) to crack the case.
- Activate. A carefully selected sequence of team problem solving activities that will get your team working together. Customised to suit your team’s needs and learning outcomes, this program will unite your team and has a strong learning and development focus.
- Risk Reward. Involves a series of team building activities where the higher the risk, the greater the reward for you and your team.
- Prison Break. A team building activity that engages teams through strategy as they attempt to break out of a simulated prison. The group objective is to break all teams out of prison as quickly as possible with teams who have successfully broken out being able to assist the teams still inside. Communication, leadership, problem solving and strategy will be the key to each team’s success
- Find the Fugitive. The challenge is set and the only question that your team should have on their mind is “Who is the fugitive and where are they currently hiding? “.
We have many other options as we are a team building brokerage company and only work with the best providers in Australia. We can advise and organise your whole event for you.
Contact us today to discuss your needs and you will get excellent unbiased advise about all the team building options available. Remember Team Building is meant to be easy.
Phone 1300 764 818 or email us at