Workplace massage involves a specialised chair that your therapist will bring. No oils are used, no clothing is removed and changeover times between appointments are minimal. A relaxing team building activity that all staff will enjoy after years of hard work.
Massage feels good because it’s good for you! Massage has been shown to positively affect the cells in your body, helping you recover from tiredness and grow stronger. A 2012 study from McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada tested athletes after strenuous exercise, applying massage to one leg while the other was rested.
The authors concluded: “when administered to skeletal muscle that has been acutely damaged through exercise, massage therapy appears to be clinically beneficial by reducing inflammation and promoting mitochondrial biogenesis.” Full Study:
Science Translational Medicine
We look forward to providing health benefits including relaxation, energy and a concentration-boost, to your team.
We can provide a workplace massage program to suit your needs:
Minimum and Maximum group size: 8-800 pax
Minimum and Maximum time required: 4 hours
If you are not sure what you are after, or short on time just contact us and we will assist you.
So don't waste your valuable time searching through hundreds of online team building activities yourself, when we can do all the research and provide quotes for you? You will not pay any more to book your activity through Team Building Made Easy, our service to you is totally FREE.
Call us on 1300 764 818 or email the team at
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