There are many qualities that can be built or improved through team building activities, the beauty about these activities is that most of the time the team doesn’t realise that they are building and improving skills and qualities, they don’t realise because they are having too much fun!
Team-building activities can help develop or improve the trust amongst your team. Trust is vital to team success and in turn business success. Businesses can’t survive without teams and teams can’t survive without trust.
Trust is a quality that can quite effectively be achieved through team building activities, these activities will focus on making team members accountable and dependent on each other, leading to increased productivity and efficiency in your team. Luckily, there are countless fun and exciting activities available that focus on building trust amongst your team.
TIP: A simple and easy activity you can do in the workplace at any time is have two team mates maintain eye contact for 60 seconds without looking away. This simple little activity can help increase the trust between work colleagues and help them feel more comfortable around each other.
Many successful trust building activities involve heights! Abseilling, Rock Climbing, Canyoning and High Ropes Adventure courses engender a sense of trust that only adrenaline and heights can achieve. There is nothing quite like testing your team in a scenario that in no way resembles the office. Belayers are entrusted with their team members’ lives (in a very controlled environment of course), dramatically speeding up the otherwise slow process of trusting each others abilities and desire to work towards the common goal in a corporate setting. As Hemingway famously quoted “The best way to find out if you can trust someone is to trust them”.
A good team built on trust has no limit on taking your business to new heights. It is the foundation on which successful team and businesses are built.
Abseiling, Rock Climbing or Canyoning
Test your nerve and push through personal boundaries! Abseiling, Rock Climbing or Canyoning adventures available. We have experienced and qualified guides and can tailor experiences for all skill levels. It’s not all about brute strength; these team building activities focus on balance, concentration, self-confidence and TRUST.
Teamwork is always in a state of flow and therefore can always be worked on and improved. It is important to think of teamwork as a process rather than an end state. Teamwork building activities are great for new teams still discovering their strengths and weaknesses but also fantastic at motivating and stimulating developed teams.
Often it is only out of the office environment that you discover the true talents of your colleagues that far extends their job description. This discovery is incredibly important for your team as it creates mutual respect for each other’s respective abilities and greater understanding of each other’s personal goals and career objectives.
Newer teams can benefit most from these kind of activities, they bring the team closer and expose unseen talents. They also give leaders an idea on how they perform together and what needs to be worked on as a team. They can also be a great ice-breaker for any newcomers, being out of the office environment puts everyone on a level playing field and sometimes outside the comfort zone.
Activities such as Activate and All For One are specifically designed to emphasise your teams reliance on each other and forces colleagues to see beyond their own personal objectives and focus on the big picture, all the while having a laugh and getting to know each other better.
Activate is one of the most versatile and flexible programs available. Each Activate event is tailored to your specific needs and objectives, and has strong learning objectives.
All for One is specifically designed to reinforce the message that we are all working toward the same outcome. The activity itself acts as a powerful metaphor for teamwork, big picture thinking, and collaboration.
Recognising and embracing creativity in the workplace is crucial to the success and improvement of business. Innovation depends on creativity and yet often workplaces do not facilitate the right ‘open’ state to foster creative development. Check out this highly amusing and educational soundcloud of comedian John Cleese to learn more about an ‘open’ creative state.
If your business has a team of creative mindsets the possibilities are endless, it’s not a coincidence that jobs that require creativity have increased. Creativity is how industry develops.
Activities like Creative painting and cocktail making encourage creativity within your team. Many team-building activities focus on other skills such as trust and leadership so it is good to compliment those with creativity focused activities. Not only will it encourage an open state within your team but will validate the varied skills of your team and show that their qualities are equally appreciated.
Our creative painting workshop is a fun, inspiring and challenging activity, led by a professional fine artist. Combining individual exercises and group collaboration, the participants work together to create a masterpiece on canvas.
Cocktail Making is a great fun team building event for all your team to enjoy. All participants learn some easy but important take home practical skills which will help choosing cocktails in a bar, making cocktails at home as well as start the quest for cocktail knowledge and spirits & ingredient knowledge.
Successful teams have a strong bond. This bond is built on a number of things like trust, respect, commitment and supportiveness but a strong bond does not just happen, it has to be built. Team bonding activities brings team members and colleagues together and allows them to see each other in a different environment. These activities usually focus on fun and allow people to connect in a different way under different circumstances. These activities are great ice-breakers and can be great to boost morale in the workplace.
Bike Build for Kids is a fantastic activity for team bonding. This amazing heart-felt program is designed to challenge teams and create an opportunity to give back to the community. Not only will there be a winning team that will face all challenges and build the best bike, but everyone will be a winner when they see the joy on the children’s faces as they receive a new bike presented to them from each team.
The most deliciously fun way of building a strong team bond, after all who doesn’t like chocolate? Not only does this activity enhance team bonding but it encourages creativity and team work!